Back-Shop Mechanic- BOEING


Company Name


Type Of Job Full Time
Salary Details  Not disclose
Required Qualification
  • Diploma / ITI in Electrical/ Engineering.
  • 4 to 7 years of hands on experience in maintaining sophisticated equipment like Lathe machines, industrial X-ray machines composite repair machines, preferably at Airport / Airlines/MRO/ Military Aviation Establishments.
Job Description
  • Knowledge and experience in undertaking various composite repairs and techniques preferably at Airport / Airlines/MRO/ Military Aviation Establishments.
  • Knowledge and experience in undertaking various NDI & NDT preferably at Airport / Airlines /MRO/ Military Aviation Establishments.
  • Knowledge of analyzing and undertaking repairs on Electrical & Electronic components / parts associated with the above mentioned Back shop equipment as well other equipment associated with Back shop.
Industry Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing
Functional Area  Work Shop Maintenance
Experience 4-7 Years
Who Can Apply Experience
Job Role Shop Mechanic
Job Location Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand, India (On-site)
Apply Here

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